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Hi there, I’m Amit – the founder of Baracklevin. I’m an Engineer, a certified trainer and most importantly a Dad!As a Dad I’m always thinking of ways to make life with babies a little bit easier and more fun! Becoming a parent has been the most fulfilling and eye opening time in my life but I have to admit it’s not always easy!I’m on the pursuit of finding the balance between being the best parent I can be while also continuing to participate in the activities that give me great pleasure. Working out, travelling, going for walks, BBQ’ing, even getting a full night sleep are all still possible with a little one. In fact, many activities are now more fun than ever!So please join me on this amazing ride. Let’s discover all that’s possible with baby. Let’s discover our passion, let’s be amazing parents — let’s not have to choose between the two. is a website that specializes in giving you the best baby-related products on the market. We started this project mostly with the idea to raise awareness about baby and their important equipment.

So, start your baby’s journey with (The best baby equipment site) Today!

We Really Go into Detail

In baracklevin, we aim to cover each popular baby equipment on the market – on our website, you can find the best baby equipment for popular brand such as The Chicco , Ergobaby , Johnsons , NUK etc. And, even if some equipment you’re interested in isn’t on the list, it might be added very soon.

Furthermore, our website also includes reviews of the most popular baby & kids equipment available on the market. In our equipment reviews, we cover each category very carefully and with a lot of enthusiasm. On, you can find which equipment suit best on baby.

Our website often contains valuable information on this equipment. For example, each article contains information on different types of equipment. Therefore, we always suggest the best equipment for comfort.

You Can Purchase Products Right from Our Website

baracklevins has many affiliate advertising programs and works with Amazon, baby’s equipment, Discount this equipment. That way, you can directly purchase the great equipment, you were just reading about from our website. Doing so, you will get the lowest prices possible on these equipment, but also help us further develop our website and eventually establish it as one of the biggest players on the market.

How do We Review This equipment?

To give you the best possible advice, we explore the internet deeply. We read all the customer reviews on each equipment and then give you a sum of the advantages and disadvantages of each product.

baracklevins is also able to test some equipment, specifically those that we reviewed in separate articles. In the future, we strive to test even more products and give you better and more detailed reviews.

And, if you didn’t already notice that, we strive to be as unbiased as possible – baracklevins no benefit in favorizing any baby brand. We love each manufacturer that can provide safe and reliable equipment on the market.

Furthermore, we mostly write about high-quality equipment on our website, simply because they usually provide the best overall performance. In our view, there is no price on safety!

Our Ultimate Goal

Our ultimate goal is always to find new ways in which we can improve. As a result of that, we are always open to discussion – please do not hesitate to leave suggestions and remarks on how we can improve. Also, we will be happy if you share your experiences with the same products that we reviewed.

Moreover, if you have a question that you want to be answered, you can contact us directly. We approach each answer with ultimate attention, following our motto “there is no price on safety.” Let’s make the life safer together!

Email: [email protected]

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